A six foot U shape boudoir sofa is the center of the entertainment console area, using a new flamboyant blue and orange burnished cotton material. The interior utilized Van Stuff accessories, with Perkins seat panels and Cole snack trays for added luxury pleasures. Musical sounds from a Craig stereo flow through quad speakers and dual 40 channel CB units. Wild music bars transform the tones to visual colored lights.
A plastic servateria slides our for easy access to refreshments. The number two compartment contains a monitor phone with intercom system. In the center, a Panasonic colored television and video units offers another choice of entertainment. Another compartment houses a Panasonic recorder for all taping and playback. Solar Power and electric panels by Sensor Technology, Inc., and PDC Labs, have solar battery and electronic system. A unique computerized lighting circuit with switches, actuates the electronic system to provide more battery power from the solar cells.
The exterior finish color is coordinated by the concept of Burnt Orange Sunset Pearls of Essence, and then blended to a bright sky blue candy, sprayed in 40 coats of lacquer.
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